New Zealand law requires that all sea freight containers imported in to the country (either full or empty) must be taken to an approved transitional facility for inspection. The purpose for this inspection is to prevent the introduction of pests and diseases in to the country.
A premise may apply to MPI for approval as a transitional facility so long as the facility complies with the Import Health Standard (IHS) as issued by MPI. An approved facility is also required to have an approved operator and accredited person(s) to be responsible for the facilities operation and compliance with the health standard.
The requirements for a facility to be approved are set out in the latest version of the IHS available on the MPI website Broadly speaking, a facility must have a sealed area where the container is placed and unpacked, be clear of weeds and debris around the container to a specified distance, have available the relevant equipment for inspecting the interior of the container and specified materials for treating pest and insect infestation.
An accredited person is responsible for carrying out limited biosecurity checks at the ATF and must have completed and passed a course in biosecurity awareness. Re-accreditation is required every two years or as specified in the latest IHS.
In the case of infrequent or occasional imports of containers, a temporary facility approval may be possible however the site must comply with the requirements of the IHS. If you intend to import a container and feel you may meet the standard, March Logistics can assist with these arrangements.
For further information, please visit the MPI website or contact us.